We are devoting ourselves as the pride of Korea’s
pharmaceutical∙bio group.
Theragen Etex group, which started as Changho Pharm founded in 1987,
has repeatedly demonstrated the highest standards of innovation and
growth for the last 30 years.
As a comprehensive pharmaceutical ∙ bio group encompassing overall related business including gene-based prediction, diagnosis, prevention, development of novel drugs, manufacturing and distribution of medicines, and medical Big Data, we are expanding worldwide.
Theragen Etex group’s Theragen Bio, which has been serving a pivotal role in the group’s growth, has enjoyed three consecutive years of 40% annual sales growth through the export of genome analysis technology to 40 foreign countries.
Theragen Etex solidifies the foundation for future growth through innovation targeting increasing production capacity and securing a new drug pipeline.
The subsidiary “MedPacto” has novel anticancer drugs in clinical trials seeking marketing approval by the U.S. FDA. Another subsidiary, “GenomeCare,” provides various genome information services through bioinformatics technology fusion.
“LeadPharm” has secured stable competitiveness in the field of medicine distribution based on the pharmacy chain while “Theragen Healthcare” leads the manufacturing of medical supplies and healthcare area along with Daeil Pharm and Pharm Biotech, which are our affiliated companies.
Theragen Etex group has been focusing on one thing tirelessly and unwaveringly despite the ups and downs and crises within the pharmaceuticalㆍbio industry. We appreciate all of you who send unsolicited support and trust for Theragen Etex gourp as it continues to earn its respected company status.
Always committed to our basics of protecting precious lives, we are devoting ourselves as Korea’s representative pharmaceutical∙bio group.
CEO Jin-Up Ko